It takes a community to build community.
Making the little things more accessible.

We Make a Difference

We are completely energized by helping people access the things they need.

Whether it’s helping furnish someone’s new apartment after experiencing homelessness, refurbishing a laptop for a family of four, or providing refugees with clothing and essentials — we see the impact we make daily.

Again, we don’t do this work alone. We’re powered by the kindness of our community, and it keeps on growing!

We Make “Stuff” More Accessible

Most of us take for granted the fact we have a toothbrush in our bathroom, a pillow on our bed, or a can opener with which to prepare dinner. So, we collect and distribute new and used “stuff” to people who really need it — for free!

We Foster Connectedness

Bringing the community together is a core value of ours. We have a mighty team of staff, volunteers, practicum students, and community supporters — all of whom are deeply invested in everyone in our city.

We Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle 

Not only are we committed to helping folks access furniture, computers, and clothing — we’re also deeply passionate about sustainability and reducing unnecessary waste. If we can’t distribute or sell something, we’ll find a way to recycle or reuse it elsewhere. 


These stats were calculated for 2021-22 DI fiscal year


people benefited from our Move Out Program


visits to our Clothing Room


computers were distributed to individuals/families


agencies partnered with us to help Calgarians

History of the Calgary Drop-In Centre and the Free Goods Program

For more than 60 years, the Calgary Drop-In Centre (the DI) has supported the city’s most vulnerable people, and has evolved to become a housing-focused emergency shelter. The Free Goods Program is an extension of the DI, primarily focused on helping people access the essential items and comforts that will enrich their quality of life.

After leaving a relationship due to domestic violence, my case manager referred me to the Move Out Program to furnish my new place. It was such an empowering experience!

Once I was on my feet, I enrolled in a social work program. When I saw the Free Goods Program was on the list of practicum placements, I knew that was the universe telling me to go give back to the community. Now, every day, I wake up knowing I make a difference.

"Jean," Practicum Student